Sunday, March 9, 2025

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show® Lineup For The Week Of March 10, 2025

The Authors Show® serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley has announced The Authors Show® broadcast schedule for the week of March 10, 2025. The new show schedule is available at The Authors Show® site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show® helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show® shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

The Authors Show schedule for the week of March 10, 2025

Mar 10  
Channel 1     Larry Lockridge (USA)
Channel 2     Charles Harvey (USA)
Channel 3     Dante - (USA)
Channel 4     M.J. Polelle (USA)
Channel 5     Anne Wedgwood (United Kingdom)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Bill Yarborough (USA)

Mar 11  
Channel 1     Norman Brewer (USA)
Channel 2     Jody Sharpe (USA)
Channel 3     Craig Snyder (USA)
Channel 4     Jeff Richards (USA)
Channel 5     Valerie Doherty (USA)
Channel 6     Rosanne D'Ausilio, Ph.D (USA)
Channel 7     Elizabeth A. Carter, PhD (USA)

Mar 12  
Channel 1     Douglas Norman (USA)
Channel 2     Ricardo Jose Gonzalez-Rothi (USA)
Channel 3     Saverio Monachino (USA)
Channel 4     Steve Bassett (USA)
Channel 5     Joseph Ganci (USA)
Channel 6     Amy Reiley (USA)
Channel 7     Barbara R. Walker, Ph.D. (USA)

Mar 13  
Channel 1     Deb Lewis  (USA)
Channel 2     Peter Ticktin (USA)
Channel 3     Danielle Groves Simone (USA)
Channel 4     Tomeko Brown (USA)
Channel 5     Nancine Meyer (USA)
Channel 6     Alphonsus Obayuwana, MD, PhD, CPC (USA)
Channel 7     Jordan Eilbert (USA)

Mar 14 - Mar 16  
Channel 1     Victoria Gail Oltarsh (USA)
Channel 2     J.D. Mitschke (USA)
Channel 3     Nicholas Anderson (United Kingdom)
Channel 4     James D Paulk (USA)
Channel 5     Deborah Wynne (USA)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Barbara R. Walker, Ph.D. (USA)


The Authors Show® is a professional interview podcast created in 2005 that offers participants multiple benefits that authors who are serious about marketing their work need to consider, especially inasmuch as these benefits have long lasting effects. The Authors Show broadcasts interviews on multiple channels, each featuring one individual author for a full 24hrs Monday through Thursday, and 3-day weekends, Friday through Sunday.


Don McCauley
The Authors Show®

The Loss of Morality In US Government: Bestselling Ebook, From Democracy To Democrazy By Elizabeth Graham, Available At No Charge March 12, 2025 At Amazon

Kirkus Professional Book Reviewers said: "Graham's new book is an intriguing and informative ‘must read’ from a woman who is probably the best-informed American on the terrifying realities concerning Vladimir Putin's motivations and his control over Trump. It is a warning to all Americans."

Elizabeth Graham, author of the bestselling ebook, 'From Democracy to Democrazy', has announced the ebook version of the book will be available at no charge on March 12, 2025 at Amazon at

Elizabeth Graham had a Top-Secret Security Clearance while a senior in high school, and immediately upon graduation began working undercover with the CIA. She later joined the SAIC's Foreign Systems Research Center (FSRC) for 12 years. Eight of these years were spent studying Russia and Russian, and she managed the largest Russian-language military, technical and intelligence library in the U.S. She began to travel to the Soviet Union and then became one of the very few Americans to move to the USSR. She lived under Communism in the Soviet Union, then Russia, and Central Asia long enough to become bi-cultural - she became Russian. Her first-hand knowledge and understanding of life in a communist or dictatorship country is shared with Americans in her book and in her Substack by the same name ( She believes the U.S. is headed for a cataclysm – a disaster. In a recent article, she wrote in part:

Time Magazine wrote ‘Morality and empathy are writ deep in our genes. Alas, so are savagery and bloodlust. Science is now learning what makes us both noble and terrible – and perhaps what can make us better.’ (Time, Ibid) I chose this topic to write about because the United States was founded by men who considered themselves moral when they wrote the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence focused on conforming to a standard of what is right and good. This virtuous beginning of the United States has now sunk to unscrupulous, dishonorable, and unconscionable. We have come a long way in the wrong direction.

To quote this Time Magazine article, written almost 20 years ago, ‘We are a species that is capable of almost dumbfounding kindness. We nurse one another, romance one another, weep for one another. Ever since science taught us how, we willingly tear the very organs from our bodies and give them to one another. And at the same time, we slaughter one another. The past 15 years of human history are the temporal equivalent of those subatomic particles that are created in accelerators and vanish in a trillionth of a second, but in that fleeting instant, we’ve visited untold horrors on ourselves – in Mogadishu, Rwanda, Chechnya, Darfur, Beslan, Baghdad, Pakistan, London, Madrid, Lebanon, Israel, Bosnia, New York City, Russia, Abu Ghraib, Oklahoma City, an Amish schoolhouse in Pennsylvania - all of the crimes committed by the highest, wisest, most principled species the planet has produced.

That we’re also the lowest, cruelest, most blood-drenched species is our shame. . . and the harder it becomes to preserve the vanity that we are unique among Earth’s creatures. We told ourselves that we are the only creatures on Earth with language, until gorillas and chimps mastered sign language. We’re the only one that uses tools then – but that’s if you don’t count otters smashing mollusks with rocks or apes stripping leaves from twigs and using them to fish for termites.

What does, or ought to, separate us then is our highly developed sense of morality, a primal understanding of good and bad, or right and wrong, or what it means to suffer not only our own pain – something anything with a rudimentary nervous system can do – but also the pain of others.” (Ibid) THAT QUALITY IS THE DISTILLED ESSENCE OF WHAT IT MEANS TO BE HUMAN.

Yet our country has selected a man to lead, who lacks this basic quality of what it means to be human. He has no empathy for the thousands of people who his DOGE group have left unemployed. He has called our military men and women who died in combat “suckers and losers.” He is now considering changes to social security – money earned and saved by more than 77 million U.S. workers to provide financial support in their old age. He has angrily berated the President of Ukraine in the Oval Office – where no U.S. President before him has behaved so poorly. He has been accused of or convicted of many crimes: falsifying business records, mishandling of national security documents, and attempting to overturn the 2020 U.S. presidential election – a Constitutional defined treasonous act.

The full text of the piece is available at
All of this information and much more is available in Graham's book, 'From Democracy To Democrazy: A Warning To All Americans', now available at Amazon at The bestselling ebook version will be available at no charge February 14, 2025. More information is available at her website at

About Elizabeth Graham:

Elizabeth Graham lives in a quiet rural city in northern Arizona. She had 4 children and has 3 grandchildren. Her oldest daughter died July 16, 2016 - three months before the U.S. 2016 election and while living/working in Japan. The Tokyo Police ruled her death a homicide by an unknown substance – possibly a poison - which is the signature lethal method used by Russians. There is more about her death in From Democracy to Democrazy.

Elizabeth was indoctrinated at a young age by her father who was a senior manager working undercover with the CIA. Her college days were in Los Angeles with the desire to become a high school teacher. However, she was destined to study Russia, Russian language, and live a life of Top-Secret clearances and undercover work. This led to senior nonprofit management positions and consulting jobs in strategic places like Moscow and St. Petersburg in Russia, all the former Soviet countries (15 countries including the Baltics, Central Asia, and Ukraine), Pakistan, Afghanistan, and many other locations. In this process of living and working abroad, she became bi-cultural - American to Russian and back – only to find that her birth country was in the process of losing its democracy and becoming a dictatorship.


Elizabeth Graham

Friday, March 7, 2025

Bestselling WWII Novel, Aaron's War By Richard McMaster, Will Be Available In Ebook Form At No Charge March 10th and 11th, 2025, At Amazon

Aaron's War is an extraordinary work that will likely take its place as one of the best WWII historical fiction novels ever written. The ebook version will be available at no charge March 10 and 11, 2025 at Amazon.

Richard McMaster recently announced that his bestselling WWII novel, 'Aaron's War', will be available at no charge in ebook form on March 10 and 11, 2025 at Amazon.

Bestselling author Richard McMaster's historical fiction novel is a gripping coming-of-age story that drops readers into the harsh realities of World War II. Readers follow along on the journey of Aaron Vanko, an innocent Iowa farm boy who undertakes the ultimate test of humanity—the willingness to kill another human being in the name of duty.

But Aaron's journey takes a stunning turn when he discovers a previously unknown truth: he is Jewish. This revelation adds a new layer of complexity to his life-changing odyssey, forcing him to grapple with his allegiance to his country, his personal beliefs, and his newfound identity, all while battling enemy forces that threaten the world.

'Aaron's War' is more than just a historical narrative; it is a powerful and compelling exploration of challenges that have persisted across generations. From the ethical dilemmas that soldiers face on the battlefield to the formidable personal struggles that veterans confront upon their return home, this story offers a poignant examination of the human condition.

This captivating and engrossing tale sheds light on issues such as antisemitism, PTSD, and substance abuse, making its exploration of these themes all the more relevant and compelling.

USA TODAY Best-Selling Author Holly S. Roberts says ‘Aaron’s War’ is “A coming of age story that grips your soul and takes you on a thought-provoking journey."

Readers and reviewers have praised ‘Aaron's War’. Tom Porter, author of All I Need To Know About Business I Learned From A Duck stated, "An engaging, informative and thought-provoking tale of survival, love and faith. Make room for Richard McMaster on your list of up-and-coming authors." Lynn M. Safris said, “The descriptions and details given throughout this author's writing draw the reader into each page, making Aaron's journey feel like their own. I believe this book would appeal to a wide audience of readers. I truly enjoyed reading Aaron's War and I highly recommend this book."

Richard McMaster is also the author of ‘A Love Divided By Time’, described as "one part The Notebook, one part suspenseful psychopath story, and one part Somewhere in Time." In that book, Forrest and Allie believed they found love in a previous life and being born again was a game of hide-and-seek to find each other in plain sight, seeking their better halves, united and whole. When tragedy strikes, Forrest makes a pact to find her killer, raise their daughter, and find peace by joining her in the ever after.

A Writer's Digest critique stated, "This book is exemplary in its voice and writing style. It has a unique voice, and the writing style is consistent throughout."

In McMaster's latest book, ‘Voyage Of Life’, the life journey of Sean Buchanan is detailed through metaphoric depictions of the four stages of life in Thomas Cole's Voyage of Life paintings, childhood, youth, manhood, and Old Age. The painting’s depictions are a metaphor for his life—the verdant landscape and calm waters of childhood become turbulent in youth, and early in manhood the shores turn rocky when he faces one obstacle after another. Secrets that live in darkness can take a lifetime to see the light of day and the secret that has hovered over him since Youth is revealed late in his life.

Readers and reviewers have praised ‘Aaron's War’. Tom Porter, author of All I Need To Know About Business I Learned From A Duck stated, "An engaging, informative and thought-provoking tale of survival, love and faith. Make room for Richard McMaster on your list of up-and-coming authors." Lynn M. Safris said, “The descriptions and details given throughout this author's writing draw the reader into each page, making Aaron's journey feel like their own. I believe this book would appeal to a wide audience of readers. I truly enjoyed reading Aaron's War and I highly recommend this book."

Richard McMaster is also the author of ‘A Love Divided By Time’, described as "one part The Notebook, one part suspenseful psychopath story, and one part Somewhere in Time." In that book, Forrest and Allie believed they found love in a previous life and being born again was a game of hide-and-seek to find each other in plain sight, seeking their better halves, united and whole. When tragedy strikes, Forrest makes a pact to find her killer, raise their daughter, and find peace by joining her in the ever after.

A Writer's Digest critique stated, "This book is exemplary in its voice and writing style. It has a unique voice, and the writing style is consistent throughout."

In McMaster's latest book, ‘Voyage Of Life’, the life journey of Sean Buchanan is detailed through metaphoric depictions of the four stages of life in Thomas Cole's Voyage of Life paintings, childhood, youth, manhood, and Old Age. The painting’s depictions are a metaphor for his life—the verdant landscape and calm waters of childhood become turbulent in youth, and early in manhood the shores turn rocky when he faces one obstacle after another. Secrets that live in darkness can take a lifetime to see the light of day and the secret that has hovered over him since Youth is revealed late in his life.

Richard McMaster is available for media interviews and can be reached at More information is available at his website at All of his books are available at Amazon at

About Richard McMaster:

Richard McMaster is a former health care executive who led three different start-up companies and served on numerous boards. He is an Iowa native who lived in North Idaho for nearly twenty years and now resides in Phoenix, Arizona.

As a young man two career paths diverged, the safe and ready one and the less traveled lonely winding one with an uncertain destination--the writer. He chose the well-worn path and early career success pushed him further along the business path. But the path has now taken him back to the one he wished he had taken.


Richard McMaster

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Trauterose: One Woman's Epic Journey Of Survival And Courage In Post-War Germany

Elisabeth Haggblade's eyewitness account, winner of the 2024 Indie Reader Discovery Award, will likely be regarded as one of the best accounts ever written about post-World War II Germany.

While there have been many WWII memoirs published, one stands out due to its unique insight: 'Trauterose: Growing Up in Postwar Munich' by Elisabeth Haggblade. It is an extraordinary memoir and a seminal work on post-Hitler Germany, distinguished not only by the author's intimate encounters with historical figures, but also by its expansive global perspective.

'Trauterose' garnered critical acclaim, winning the 2024 IndieReader Discovery Award in the Memoir category and securing First Place Non-Fiction in The Authors Show 2024 Book Cover Awards. It is a compelling story that transcends the ordinary and offers a fresh, profound look into a pivotal era in our history.

'Trauterose' is the compelling first-person account of Elisabeth Haggblade, who was orphaned at birth at the height of World War II and spent the first eleven years of her life under the care of a former S.S. officer and his family.

Like many she knew and met during her formative years, Elisabeth was marked both physically and psychologically by the traumatic events of the war and its aftermath, where negotiating daily life during the most tenuous time in Germany's history often felt like a balancing act. Yet through it all, faith and the help of others prevailed.

One person aiding and delivering faith was the late Pope Benedict XVI,  known then as Herr Joseph Ratzinger, teacher of catechism in our fourth-grade class in the 1950s.  After he left our school, his hand-written letter spelled out the proper path to follow in growing up :  “If one buttons one’s coat the wrong way, one would have to undo all of it and start over again to make it right.  So it is with life,” admonishing us “to choose the right beginning.”

In short, 'Trauterose' is the account of one person's search for humanity in existence—a cautionary tale on the inherited guilt created by rampant nationalism, and a painfully honest and often humorous view of the world through the eyes of a young woman who found her way to freedom and purpose.

Readers and reviewers have expressed praise for Trauterose. Craig Jones of IndieReader wrote, "TRAUTEROSE (Growing Up in Postwar Munich) by Elisabeth Haggblade offers an uncompromising, moving, and elegiac memoir of a deprived childhood in postwar Germany." Midwest Book Review said, "Libraries seeking powerful, personal memoirs that hold political and social lessons and insights will find Trauterose a study in adaptation, survival, and growth. It also deserves attention from young adult and adult book clubs seeking memoirs that reflect not just individual experience, but a sense of the culture and times."

One Amazon review stated, "The book is extremely well written, and I would recommend it highly." Another said, "I highly recommend this book. It will touch your heart." Another wrote, "It offers an unforgettable window into a time and place that few Americans know about."

Elisabeth Haggblade is available for media interviews and can be reached at 'Trauterose' is available in both print and ebook forms at Amazon at More information is available at her website at

About Elisabeth Haggblade:

Elisabeth Haggblade holds a B.A. in German, a B.A. in Russian, a Master's in Linguistics from California State University, Fresno, and a PhD in English Philology from the Freie Universität Berlin. She retired from teaching part-time English and Linguistics at California State Universities and the Freie Universität Berlin. Her publications began with academic articles and book reviews as well as book reviews of fiction in The Los Angeles Times. She resides in California.


Elisabeth Haggblade

Sunday, March 2, 2025

Book Marketing Announcements: The Authors Show® Lineup For The Week Of March 3, 2025

The Authors Show® serves as a resource for authors and allows members to engage in promotion and publicity for marketing purposes. The site offers professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

Don McCauley has announced The Authors Show® broadcast schedule for the week of March 3, 2025. The new show schedule is available at The Authors Show® site.

For those who hope to sell books on the Internet, the challenge can be daunting. It can be confusing difficult, time consuming and expensive. The Authors Show® helps authors overcome these challenges by providing opportunities for greater visibility.

The Authors Show® shows offer professionally produced radio interviews that are broadcast worldwide.

The Authors Show schedule for the week of March 3, 2025

Mar 3  
Channel 1     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 2     J.D. Mitschke (USA)
Channel 3     Nicholas Anderson (United Kingdom)
Channel 4     Michael Jai Grant (USA)
Channel 5     A.L. Tayler (United Kingdom)
Channel 6     Linda Maria Frank (USA)
Channel 7     Don A. Holbrook (USA)

Mar 4  
Channel 1     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 2     Cynthia A. King (USA)
Channel 3     Bernadette Inclan (USA)
Channel 4     James D Paulk (USA)
Channel 5     Penny Orloff (USA)
Channel 6     Katherine MK Mitchell (USA)
Channel 7     Alfred James Dansbury, Sr. (USA)

Mar 5  
Channel 1     Victoria Gail Oltarsh (USA)
Channel 2     Amy L Bernstein (USA)
Channel 3     Chrishana Greer (USA)
Channel 4     Elsie McKenney (USA)
Channel 5     Fish Nealman (USA)
Channel 6     Matt Armstrong (Australia)
Channel 7     S.G. Blaise (USA)

Mar 6  
Channel 1     Eleanor Lawrie (Canada)
Channel 2     Curtis Matthew Jackson (USA)
Channel 3     Sharman Apt Russell (USA)
Channel 4     Richard Trayler (USA)
Channel 5     Shawn Lee (USA)
Channel 6     Donna Louis (USA)
Channel 7     Grace Blair (USA)

Mar 7 - Mar 9  
Channel 1     Don Baldwin (Ireland)
Channel 2     Mike F Elliott (USA)
Channel 3     Sharman Apt Russell (USA)
Channel 4     Jeffrey Marshall (USA)
Channel 5     Penny Orloff (USA)
Channel 6     Anthony J. Mohr (USA)
Channel 7     Don A. Holbrook (USA)


The Authors Show® is a professional interview podcast created in 2005 that offers participants multiple benefits that authors who are serious about marketing their work need to consider, especially inasmuch as these benefits have long lasting effects. The Authors Show broadcasts interviews on multiple channels, each featuring one individual author for a full 24hrs Monday through Thursday, and 3-day weekends, Friday through Sunday.


Don McCauley
The Authors Show®